Jessica Taplin
Trustee, Chair of Grants Committee and Member of Audit & Risk Committee
Trustee, Chair of Grants Committee and Member of Audit & Risk Committee
Jessica is committed to the not for profit sector, and has been the Chief Executive of the British Gas Energy Trust since 2020 – the Trust is an independent Charitable Trust that will have distributed over £22m in 2022/2023 to help alleviate the detrimental impact of poverty, with a focus on fuel poverty. She is also a member of the Strategic Advisory panel for the Patchwork Foundation, a mentor for final year students at Leeds University, who are the first generation in their family to attend university, as she was herself.
Previously she has held roles as Chief Executive Designate of Treloar Trust, the UK’s leading centre for physically disabled young people; Chief Executive of vInspired, the UK wide legacy youth volunteering charity & Regional Delivery partner (RDP) for National Citizens Service for North East; Chief Executive of Get Connected, where she led the organisation into a successful merger to create The Mix, one of the UK’s leading digital support and helpline services for young people.
Keeper of Bees and mum of three, she loves developing organisations to enhance their social impact, focused on strategic innovation, people lead services and problem solving to help bring about effective social good, efficiently. Helping making lives better through enabling services, that are there to help support people when and where they need it most.