Those Living In Care


“Bridging the Gap” is focused on upskilling staff at OnSide’s 14 Youth Zones to identify and address early signs of mental health, indirectly supporting 54,000 young people. With 6-week workshops, one-to-one tailored support from Youth Zone staff & working with a Health and Wellbeing Manager.
Completed in September, the impact has been significant. A cultural change has been achieved, with 20,100 people receiving direct support, doubling the initial target. 241 Mental Health First Aiders have been trained.As a result, 709 young people have reported improvements in at least three areas, including mental health and wellbeing. OnSide has recruited 11 health workers, and 5,377 young people have participated in targeted health initiatives. Furthermore, 1,033 young people have been supported in accessing external health resources.
“Your support of the mental health and skills component of OnSide’s Culture of Health could not have come at a more crucial time. Young people have been through a lot over the last few years, and the repercussions for adult life have yet to be understood. With the Culture of Health project now complete, I hope you will agree that your £90,000 investment has created the impact and capacity we envisioned together in 2020. As the report below shows, you helped us directly reach and measure wellbeing improvements (including resilience) amongst 20,100 young people and provide wellbeing training to 214 Youth Workers.In terms of culture and capacity, you have helped us ensure health and wellbeing informs our actions and how other donors support us.”
Jamie Masraff
CEO of OnSide