Partnership Grants
EY Foundation:
Beyond Your Limits
Partnership Grants
Beyond Your Limits
This exciting new programme was co-designed with the Foundation and professionals in the care sector, including those of CareTech, national employers and 80 care-experienced young people across England. Young people received support in enhancing the opportunities available to them, employability skills, quality work experience, budgeting, life skills, and mental wellbeing alongside one-to-one tailored support through business mentoring and a bespoke careers bursary.
Targeting 16-19 year olds in care who are in full/part time education, Beyond Your Limits delivered a range of guaranteed interventions, including paid work experience and employability training, amounting to 21 days of paid support and training to 42 individuals through the Foundation’s funding. 79 volunteers participated in the programme to provide mentoring and progression coaching through EY Foundation, conducting a strength and needs analysis and, where needed, to refer or deliver bespoke interventions, such as conflict management or effective use of a career bursary. The programme, overall, will seek to support 210 young people over three years.