Trustees’ report and financial statements.
Reference and Administrative Details of the Charity, its Trustees and Advisers
For the year ended 30 September 2022
Mr H R Sheikh, Chairman
Ms F Ali
Mr C N Cheffings
Mr C K Dickinson
Mr N Jaffer
Dr M Livingston
Mr F R Sheikh
Mr H Sheikh
Mrs J Taplin
Mrs C Marshall (appointed 4 November 2021, resigned 24 January 2023)
Mrs L J Stafford (appointed 9 February 2022)
Company registered number
Charity registered number
Registered office
7th Floor, Metropolitan House
3 Darkes Lane
Potters Bar
Chief Executive Officer
Jonathan Freeman MBE
Independent auditor
Peters Elworthy & Moore
Chartered Accountants
Salisbury House
Station Road
Royal Bank of Scotland
49 Bishopsgate
Bates Wells
10 Queen Street Place
Chairman’s Statement
This has been a momentous year in so many ways. For the world, we started to emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic only to face renewed challenges from climate change, economic uncertainty and a new war in Europe. For the UK, the last year was dominated by the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, political turmoil, and economic uncertainty. For the social care sector, continued funding pressures, increasing demand and a deeply worrying staff recruitment and retention crisis pose huge challenges.
The Foundation’s role during this turbulent last year has been really important and underlined the value it has been able to deliver.
We have been able to fund a new range of long-term partnerships that we hope will enable the social care sector to address the many challenges it faces. I am particularly proud of our work to broaden the range of people who might consider careers as caring professionals, such as our partnership with refugee charity Breaking Barriers and our continuing work with Prince’s Trust.
Closer to home, we have been able to make an increasing number of smaller grants nominated by CareTech staff to projects in their local communities. Great examples like providing MP3 players with personalised music lists for dementia sufferers through an innovative new music therapy programme. These grants have also been invaluable in supporting projects to support those suffering in the conflict in the Ukraine and the floods in Pakistan.
The Foundation’s Staff Hardship Fund has been particularly critical this year, providing more emergency funds to the staff and families of CareTech as inflation and other pressures have put a strain on so many. The Foundation’s innovative new Summer Cost of Living Crisis Grants was a particularly powerful tool to get much- needed help out to families facing unprecedented challenges.
Following CareTech Holdings Plc being delisted from the London Stock Exchange, the Foundation received
£7.5m proceeds which will be invested in a sustainable and diverse income stream. CareTech will continue to support the Foundation and, along with investments, this will provide an excellent opportunity for the Foundation to grow and flourish as a powerful independent charity.
As always, any achievements we have been able to realise have been the result of a team effort. I am indebted to my colleague trustees for the dedication, hard work and leadership and to our loyal, committed and innovative staff team.
I doubt that the year ahead will bring us any less turmoil and challenge – but I know that the Foundation will continue to play its part in helping communities and individuals to flourish in the face of these uncertainties.
Haroon Sheikh