The Foundation provided a Match Funding Grant to Cancer Research UK, supporting the fund-raising efforts of long-time CareTech employee Mary Purtill. Below, Mary explains why Cancer Research UK means so much to her.
“Three years ago, my life changed when my husband was diagnosed with cancer. The Macmillan team at the hospital have supported us as a family through some very difficult days. My step-daughter and her partner have raised a lot of money for Macmillan. I always felt guilty that I could not take part in their fundraising activities due to my own health issues. Then, in January, I found out about Sugar Free February to raise funds for Cancer research. This was something I could do, so I signed up straight away!
February was a difficult month for me to go sugar-free due to Pancake Day, Valentine’s Day, my birthday and a family holiday at the end of the month! I was determined to get through it and raise as much money as I could.
I am extremely grateful to everyone that donated money and who supported me throughout February and I am thrilled to have raised £455! I am so grateful and was very pleased when I found out that CareTech Foundation would match fund my efforts to support a cause that is so important to me and my family.
I have worked for Caretech for almost 15 years and I was very happy to hear about the launch of CareTech Foundation. Through its Family & Friends Grants programme and the Match-funding scheme it will be a great support to staff in need and a huge boost to those of us that are trying our best to raise money for needing charities. A big thank you to the Foundation and to Sara from my family and I. ”
Separately, Elizabeth Oxbury – a service user at Wheatsheaf Cottenham, completed the 5KM Race for Life walk for Cancer Research UK. Alongside her support worker, Nicola Wassall, they raised £360 for a great cause. Below, Elizabeth answers a few questions about her amazing fundraising challenge:
How did you get involved in this fundraising activity?
I had breast cancer in 2016, and I really and truly was treated well by Addenbrookes hospital. I wanted to raise money to say thank you for all their support, and this helps.Elizabeth standing proudly with her finishers medal.
What did you find most challenging and rewarding about this event?
The weather was most challenging as it was really hot that day! Everyone was so happy, and there was so many ladies doing it that it didn’t stop me! I completed the 5 KM walk, and at the end they gave us a drink and a snack!
Why did you pick this charity/ies to raise funds for?
I was really and truly treated so well when I had breast cancer that I wanted to take the opportunity to help other people. Cancer Research UK was the best fit.
How did your support workers help you in completing the challenge?
My manager helped me throughout the challenge by helping me book Race for Life. She ended up doing the sponsored walk with me and raised money for a great cause too!
How do you feel knowing that the CareTech Foundation supports you?
I am really and truly happy that the CareTech Foundation supported my activity and matched funded £250. I am really proud of myself and can’t wait to do it again next year!