On 8th June 2019 a team of 12 (and 1 driver) took part in the National Three Peaks 24 hour Challenge for CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably).
The team, many of them of them Branas employees, took park in the challenge to help tackle depression and raise awareness to the help that is available.
Their friend James sadly took his own life after a battle with depression. Life had become difficult for James and despite having an amazing network of family, friends and work colleagues; he perhaps felt he could not talk to anyone.
Everyone knows someone who has been affected by some sort of depression, but not everyone knows where and how to get help.
Their aim was to raise awareness for CALM so that others who find themselves in need might know where to turn. If they could help just one person then it was all worth it.
The team were not experienced walkers but with this challenge they took the blisters, smashed through the walls, pushed their limits and shared their memories of James.
Their fundraising raised a fantastic £1,582.86, and the CareTech Foundation was pleased to match fund the whole amount, making a total of just over £3,000.
The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is leading a movement against male suicide, the single biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK. CALM provides a free and anonymous helpline 0800 585858 and web chat (5pm-12am daily) staffed by trained professionals.