This website includes various web accessibility measures and we are continuing to improve the accessibility of the website over time.
Tab-based Navigation and Skip Links
This website allows full tab-based navigation:
- when you are on a menu item or hyperlink, press enter to activate
- hold down shift and tab to reverse the tab cycle
- at the top of each page there are options to skip to different areas of the page to assist users of screen readers and users that are viewing the website zoomed in
Text Resizing
Text on this site can be resized by:
- using the Accessibility tab in the top right of the page
- using the zoom and increase font options from your browser’s menu
- press the Ctrl key (Microsoft Windows) or the Apple key (Mac OS) on your keyboard and use the + or – key to zoom in and out
- press Ctrl on your keyboard and scroll with your mouse wheel
Contrast Toggle
We have included simple dark and light contrast themes. These options can be found in the Accessibility tab in the top right of the page.
Dyslexia Font
We have included the option to switch to the OpenDyslexic font. This options can be found in the Accessibility tab in the top right of the page. Further information and related research about OpenDyslexic.
Tables are only used to display tabular information and are not used for formatting.
Semantic HTML elements are used to preserve expected functionality screen readers.