We are delighted to award a Community Grant of £2,129 to Challengers to help them to create an outdoor area for their pre-school young people, to learn about sustainable food and healthy eating. Over the course of this year, the charity has created a small number of raised beds where young people have learned to sow seeds, nurture plants and harvest produce. The charity has also developed a small compost area where the pre-schoolers collect and compost leftovers to ensure they will start to create quality compost. The area keeps the plants healthy and the young people are able to learn about the importance of reducing landfill.
Challengers is a charity that break down the barriers and make it possible for every disabled child or young people to play and have fun, without limits.

L-R: Gennie Dearman, CEO of Challengers, Jo Tappin, Deputy Pre-school Manager and our CEO, Jonathan Freeman MBE