Staff Hardship Fund eligibility test Please answer the following questions to see whether you are eligible to apply. Question 1. Are you a current employee of (or otherwise engaged by) CareTech Holdings Limited? YesNo Question 2. Have you recently left the employment of CareTech Holdings Limited for reasons of ill health or sickness? YesNo Thank you for your interest in the Foundation's Staff Hardship Fund grant. Unfortunately, you do not appear to be eligible as the scheme is only open to individuals currently employed by CareTech Holdings Limited and those who have recently left its employment for reasons of ill health or sickness. Question 3. Have you made a successful application to the Staff Hardship Fund in this current year (please note that this is from January to December)? YesNo Thank you for your interest in the Foundation's Staff Hardship Fund grant. Unfortunately, you do not appear to be eligible as you have received a grant from the Staff Hardship Fund in the last 12 months. To find out more please visit the Who we fund page. Question 4. Does your application relate to long-term debt/money issues? YesNo Question 5. If your application relates to long-term debt/money issues, have you sought financial advice from a professional provider over the past 6 months to clear any outstanding debt? YesNo Thank you for your interest in the Foundation's Staff Hardship Fund grant. Unfortunately, the Foundation requires applicants to have sought financial advice prior to accessing the Staff Hardship Grant. Please visit the Money Advice page to find free and impartial money advice. You are eligible to apply to the Foundation for the Staff Hardship Fund grant scheme! Apply