Trustees’ report and financial statements.
Reference and Administrative Details of the Charity, its Trustees and Advisers
For the year ended 30 September 2023
Mr H R Sheikh, Chairman
Ms F Ali (resigned 24 February 2023)
Mr C N Cheffings (resigned 19 July 2023)
Mr C K Dickinson
Mr N Jaffer *
Dr M Livingston
Mr F R Sheikh
Mr H Sheikh
Mrs J Taplin *
Mrs C Marshall * (resigned 24 January 2023)
Mrs L J Stafford
Mr R L Kramer * (appointed 17 May 2023)
Ms B Keane-Rao * (appointed 17 May 2023)
Ms H C Burton * (appointed 17 May 2023)
Ms V Bouamama (appointed 19 July 2023)
Company registered number
Charity registered number
Registered office
7th Floor, Metropolitan House
3 Darkes Lane
Potters Bar
Chief Executive Officer
Jonathan Freeman MBE
Independent auditor
Peters Elworthy & Moore
Chartered Accountants
Salisbury House
Station Road
Royal Bank of Scotland
49 Bishopsgate
Withers LLP
20 Old Bailey
Investment Managers
Ruffer LLP
80 Victoria Street
Chairman’s Statement
When we decided to set up an independent charity just over five years ago, I think it is fair to say that none of us quite envisaged how much the CareTech Foundation could have achieved in its first five years. We had, of course, bold ambitions for the charity and a shared view of the need for a grant-making foundation solely focussed on the social care sector. To have realised – indeed, in many ways, exceeded – those ambitions is humbling
As this report highlights, in its first five years the Foundation had delivered some incredible achievements. Over this period, the Foundation has:
- supported 1,871,443 beneficiaries through our Partnership Grants, with a total of £3,845,675 committed to date;
- provided grants to 209 members of CareTech Ltd’s staff, providing a total of £65,341 to charities to matchtheir incredible fundraising efforts;
- committed 202 grants to local community projects, at a total value of £301,101; and,
- made 812 Staff Hardship Grants, totalling £521,052, to help members of staff facing significant financial
Thanks to our independent impact research, we know that the difference that these grants are making in the real world is significant and, often, life-changing. Like the transformation of mental health provision in Pakistan, through our partnership with the British Asian Trust. Or the new digital resource now supporting care leavers, through our partnership with Barnardo’s. Or the jobs secured in social care for refugees through our partnership with Breaking Barriers.
Beyond our grant-giving, the Foundation is increasingly becoming a thought leader on key issues facing the UK social care sector. Such as our work to open new employment paths in the social care sector. Our promotion of a new Social Care Leaders Scheme. Or our incubating of the Championing Social Care initiative to promote understanding and recognition of the social care sector.
The Foundation is now recognised as the leading corporate foundation in the social care sector. We have been flattered that the Foundation and its people has been recognised in a number of leading awards, including winning the Trustee Board of the Year Award at the Charity Times Awards 2021 and finalist in the Charity Business Awards Corporate Foundation of the Year Award 2022.
None of this would have been possible without the incredible support of our trustees, our staff team and the generosity of our corporate founders at CareTech Ltd. As we embark on the next phase of the Foundation’s development, supported by our new Strategic Plan, I am confident that we will continue to play an important role in championing and supporting the UK social care sector, those who work in the sector and those supported by the sector.
Haroon Sheikh